Designing a cooler home with stone-coated steel roofing


Designing a cooler home with Tilcor stone-coated steel roofing

When you’re designing a home, you need to know that the end result will be a space that can be depended on by the family that will live there – that it will protect them from the elements, keep them secure and provide a healthy environment. You also need a design that complies with building codes and gives your client the performance and durability they demand.

Homeowners expect the best and understandably so – a house is a major investment and they want a home that they’ll love. It’s important that your designs specify materials and products that you can trust to deliver. Choosing the right roofing product right from the start, will play a large part in this.

In this blog, we look at how Tilcor stone-coated steel roofing can be relied on to keep a house cooler even in the hottest climates.

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Staying cool with the Tilcor roofing system

Class-A stone-coated steel roof systems are designed to create a cool environment in a home, even when the temperatures are soaring outside. Part of the reason for this is the batten system that’s used to install the steel panels. This batten system gives unbeatable ventilation, dispersing the heat by allowing air to flow under the steel roof panels.

Tilcor's Batten System


Cooler roof

It’s also interesting to know that stone-coated steel roofing panels won’t heat up like long-run iron roofs do. Along with the ventilating batten system, you can keep roofs and houses cool by using Sol-R-Skin (a combination of roof underlayment and reflective foil insulation that creates a radiant barrier) in the installation. Using the batten system combined with the Sol-R-Skin makes for air space and airflow under the stone-coated steel panels and means that radiant heat will be reflected off the Sol-R-Skin underlayment.


UV resistant stone-coated steel panels

The ceramic coated natural stone granules on steel roofing panels are also UV resistant adding yet another layer of protection from heat (as well as from cold).

In fact, these qualities that are so valuable and important for keeping a home cooler in the heat also provide insulation from the cold when homes are faced with weathering colder climates. This is not the case with many other comparable roofing products such as long-run iron roofing where heat can transfer easily.

Watch our videos to discover how Tilcor stone-coated steel panels are the best choice for your next roof design.